Stage Performance, 15'
Biomorphil is expanded choreography, inspired by symbiotic social structures found in nature; like coral reefs or forests. In order to survive and thrive, all their tiny inhabitants are in constant movement exchange with each other.
With a team of 7 artists of various disciplines, we translated these observations into an artistic context. What we created became our own ecosystem that consists of humans, textile, portable loudspeakers and moving lights.
Biomorphil is a transdiciplinary creature with it’s own life, it’s own logic and it’s own movements.
Biomorphil is Lyn's graduation piece for the MA Choreography. Furthermore it appears as a practical example in Lyn's MA thesis Choreographie als durchdringender Faktor im transdisziplinären Arbeitsfeld expandierter Choreographie.
Graduation MA Dance, Gesserallee Bühne A, Zürich (2021)
Choreography: Lyn Bentschik
Dance: Aga Pędziwiatr, Momo Tanner, Ambra Peyer/Lyn Bentschik
Music: Thomas Grenzebach
Costumes / Objects: Chiara Alissa Estivariz Lopez
Light Design: Ivalina Yapova
Outside Eye: Marie Alexis
Trailer: Pascal Burger
Camera and Pictures: Oliver Dähler